Friday, September 30, 2011

Looking forward to the Viva Bike Vegas Grand Fondo.

Seems this years event is going to be a great time with proceeds to benefit Nevada Cancer Institute, After-School All-Stars Las Vegas, and Nevada Child Seekers.

Weather it is as a rider, sponsor or as a volunteer, the turnout is sure to be a gracious act by the city and the greater biking community.  It's a fantastic thing to have happen in the area and RTC is doing wonders putting it on.


Next years event I am sure will even be better, as they are already all over it, with what appears to be a bigger and better organized ride. We will see but lets get this one out of the way first!  Might as well sign up now and save some money.

Let's hope the weather is good and that it all goes off with out a hitch.  I will be out there pushing pedals and look forward to riding with everyone for a good cause.

So, go to RTC's site and sign up if you haven't already, and you might be the lucky winner of a two-night stay at Platinum Hotel and Spa!

 Thanks to all involved for making this happen in our bike happy city!